Saturday, 19 September 2015

Chapter 2: Or How I got into this mess.

How does one become a Victorian arts & litereature geek in the modern world?

I don't know about other people but my entry point was Loreena McKennitt's song version of Tennyson's Lady of Shallott from her 1991 album The Visit

The song bewitched me, even though it wasn't untill later that I discovered that it was based on a poem. But when I did discover this I had to read more and more Tennyson, it became a passion. When I got to University I was expecting to study folklore but for some reason Tennyson wouldn't leave me and now I'm working on a PhD about him. The song had that much of an impact on me.

But it didn't stop there. Through Tennyson I discovered the Brownings, Christina Rossetti, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Matthew Arnold and other giants of Victorian poetry. Because I got intrested in JH Waterhouse's painting of the lady I discovered the PRB bortherhood, Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris. 

So therefore it is quite right that I should have a blog about Victoriana in popluar culture as that was how I first found my passion. 

The Visit can be bought at Amazon US or Amazon UK

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben,

    I'm so glad you did this. I am just enjoying your posts so much. The Visit was the first Loreena McKennitt cd I bought and too enjoy the Tennyson and Celtic influences. Happy blogging :)
